Mia’s Blog 2 post
Hello Mia,
Thank you for your informative post about Cooperative learning. I have the same initial thought about this learning theory: getting students to work together in a group for an assignment. I am getting attracted by getting students to work interactively, and “students will encourage and help each other achieve their goal.” However, when I think about our group’s blueprint, I realized we didn’t have any active allow students to work as a group. We have a live session asking students to contribute to that one class, but they are all working towards the class goal but not their own goal. After reading your post, I think I will bring this to our group and see if we can add any cooperative learning theory to our final learning project. I think you did a great job of introducing this theory; I only have one small suggestion: throughout your resource, if you could provide the link for social interdependence theory as extended reading, that would be great. All in all, I learned a lot from your post and thanks for sharing.
Ariana’s Blog2 post:
Hi Ariana,
I enjoyed your website colour, and the image you chose is well aligned with your overall blog colour theme. It is also well explained about the ‘Experiential Learning’ cycle. After reading your post, I feel a lot of our EDCI 335 learning can reflect this learning theory experience. First, we will review and read resources, then start our blueprint design; later, we will provide reflection based on our readings for each topic. During this process, we are not only reflecting on what we are learning but also thinking about what we have learned. Lastly, we will apply what we learned in our final interactive resource. I am afraid I have to disagree with what you said. Our topic is not aligned fully with experiential learning. We don’t have to create the experience in the class, but while teaching, we can guide the student to relate to their past experience even though your target learning group is elementary students. I would imagine people of different groups would have their own experiences related to your topic “stress.” I agree that “everyone uses experiential learning when developing new skills and learning life lessons.” It is an everyday practice we will apply it since we were born.
By the way, I like the video you choose in your post as well; it is fun, short, and easy to follow.